Thursday, August 7, 2014

Taking On, Takeout

Who hasn't done it…craved the yummy goodness of takeout. Whether it's for the convenience or the craving, we've all been there. So I took it on a personal mission to try and recreate some of my takeout faves, sesame tofu, red curry tofu, and pizza (just to name a few). And now that I have almost perfected them, I can have my takeout without the guilt and half the cost.

First up, Sesame tofu, who doesn't like good Chinese?! And I have the simplest recipe ever! As I noted in a previous blog I freeze my tofu. The consistency makes it easier to handle during the frying process. One tofu block is thawed, squeeze out as much water as possible, letting it sit in the sink with a can on top also helps. Next, coat with cornstarch, I usually put it in a bowl and shake it until tofu is completely coated. Let it sit, so cornstarch is absorbed into tofu. Tofu can sit while sauce us being made. This makes the crunch on the tofu.

3 tablespoons ginger/garlic mixture**
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons sesame oil, frying
Shake of red pepper flakes (for your spice level)
1/3 cup of honey (i've tried agave and doesn't work the same)
3 cups blanched broccoli
Sprinkle of sesame seeds

Fry tofu and sit off to the side on a paper towel to drain. Sauté garlic/ginger. Mix vinegar, soy sauce, cornstarch in a separate bowl, then add in pan. Make sure pan is on low heat. Mix until sauce thickens a bit then add honey. Add tofu and blanched broccoli. Mix over low heat until sauce covers everything. Add (sticky) rice and serve!

Next, red curry tofu. Trader Joe's sells a small container of red curry paste, that makes this recipe super easy to make. And no need to fry tofu.

1 tablespoon of fresh garlic/ginger, optional (adds depth of flavor, makes more semi-homemade)
1 can coconut milk
2 tablespoons red curry paste
1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar (palm sugar works well also)
1 container tofu
1 cups cooked veggies (fresh or frozen) of your choice (suggestions: cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, red/green peppers), optional

Over low heat add ginger/garlic mixture and sauté in oil. Next, add coconut milk, whisk in curry paste and brown sugar until fully incorporated. Bring to a simmer and add tofu, let it cook for about 7 to 10 mins to absorb some of the flavor. Add veggies and simmer for another 3 to 5 minutes. Add (basmati)  rice and serve!

Lastly who doesn't love pizza. I found the best Cauliflower Pizza Crust on this blog. I usually skip the mozzarella in the crust, just to keep it lighter. And I my topping and enjoy. It's a delicious alternative, makes having a 3rd slice guilt-free.

**Note: Ginger/garlic mixture can be made make this ahead of time and kept in your fridge. It works wonders in most recipes and keeps fairly well. Although I would recommend using within a week or 2 at the most. I use a small grater to finely grate both.

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